Building Disciples Who Bring
Jesus to Our World

Sundays 9 am | 11 am

Building Disciples Who Bring Jesus to Our World

Sundays 9 am | 11 am

Building Disciples Who Bring Jesus to Our World

9 am | 11 am


March 23 | Mark 12:13-37 | Pastor Keith Krell

How does Jesus respond to difficult questions? What can we learn from His example about navigating tough questions given to us? In Mark 12:13–37, we will discover how Jesus turns conversational traps into opportunities for truth and transformation.

Join us as we serve
King County this March


Here are some highlighted events! Find more on our events page.

April 1 | 6 pm | Fireside Room

As we prepare our hearts for Easter, let’s take some time in corporate Worship and Prayer. Please join us. We will be praying for many to hear and respond to the gospel message.

April 19 | 11 am-2 pm | East Parking Lot

There will be no shortage of activities with bounce houses, a mini petting zoo, cotton candy, photo booth, crafts and more! If that’s not enough, we also get to enjoy a BBQ lunch and we’ll wrap with an egg rush! This is a free event, but we would love for you to register so we know how many to plan for!

Join Us for Easter

Join us in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ! We will have services for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Click below to learn more about all of the Easter events we have at Crossroads Bible Church.


Here are some highlighted events! Find more on
our events page.

April 1 | 6 pm | Fireside Room

As we prepare our hearts for Easter, let’s take some time in corporate Worship and Prayer. Please join us. We will be praying for many to hear and respond to the gospel message.

April 19 | 11 am-2 pm | East Parking Lot

There will be no shortage of activities with bounce houses, a mini petting zoo, cotton candy, photo booth, crafts and more! If that’s not enough, we also get to enjoy a BBQ lunch and we’ll wrap with an egg rush! This is a free event, but we would love for you to register so we know how many to plan for!

The Month of March

In the month of March, we are committing as a church family to live out who we are in King Jesus for King County and beyond by serving our community beyond the four walls of the church. Join us in our 2nd annual Serve the King campaign!


Infant to 5th Grade
Sundays Mornings 9 & 11 am
Wednesday Nights 6:30 pm
6th to 12th Grade
Main Worship Service 9 am
Sundays Mornings 11 am
Wednesday Nights 6:30 pm

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What's Happening?

Want to stay up to date about what's happening at Crossroads? Join our email list to receive information about all upcoming events!

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Our app allows you to stay connected during the week or while you're away on the weekend. Register for an event. Rewatch a message. Send a prayer request. All from your phone.

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Our app allows you to stay connected during the week or while you're away on the weekend. Register for an event. Rewatch a message. Send a prayer request. Engage in additional content. All from your phone.

What's Happening?

Want to stay up to date about what's happening at Crossroads? Join our email list to receive information about all upcoming events!