October 6 | Mark 2:18-3:6 | Pastor Keith Krell
Here are some highlighted events! Find more on our events page.
November 1 | 6:30-9 PM | CBC Cafe
Ladies! Let’s get together before the craziness of the holidays! We’ll have live music, appetizers, desserts and coffee from your favorite local coffee shops! Consider signing up to play live music, bringing a dessert or appetizer to share and/or bringing a friend to join you to this sure to be fun time!
October 13 | 12:30-2 pm | Room 131
Do you have an interest in Global Outreach? Have you thought about serving on a short-term team? Come to our Recruitment/Informational meeting to learn more!
October 12 | 8 - 10 am | Worship Center
Join us for breakfast! We will have a panel discussion of CBC’s pastors and elders. Your questions are welcome! Come and enjoy time and fellowship together and encouragement from one another!
Here are some highlighted events! Find more on
our events page.
our events page.
October 13 | 12:30-2 pm | Room 131
Do you have an interest in Global Outreach? Have you thought about serving on a short-term team? Come to our Recruitment/Informational meeting to learn more!
October 12 | 8-10 am | Worship Center
Join us for breakfast! We will have a panel discussion of CBC’s pastors and elders. Your questions are welcome! Come and enjoy time and fellowship together and encouragement from one another!
November 1 | 6:30-9 PM | CBC Cafe
Ladies! Let’s get together before the craziness of the holidays! We’ll have live music, appetizers, desserts and coffee from your favorite local coffee shops! Consider signing up to play live music, bringing a dessert or appetizer to share and/or bringing a friend to join you to this sure to be fun time!