Serve at CBC

Reaching in Love

One of the ways we grow in Caring Community is by serving the Lord and our church together. We invite you to join one of our Service Teams. You can read about our serving opportunities below.

First Impressions 

As one who serves on the parking lot greeter team, you will be the first face that guests and attenders see as they arrive at Crossroads and walk to the building. You will be part of a team of people who may be holding signs, smiling, and waving and keep flow of traffic moving, as people enter the parking lot.  

Do you enjoy coffee? Serving on the Café Team involves preparing coffee, hot chocolate, or lemonade, setting up and restocking supplies on the coffee bar, as well as greeting guests at the coffee bar before and after services.

This team primarily serves on Welcome Lunch and Membership Class Sundays. Some of the roles and responsibilities are table décor set up, food preparation, getting food out to serving tables, and clean up.  

Ushers are stationed inside and outside the worship center. Greeting attendees, offering weekly sermon notes and on occasion, different handouts are outside the doors. As the worship center begins to fill up, people will need your assistance in locating available seating.  

As a Greeter, you will be one individual along with at least one other who will be ready to open doors and say a friendly “Hello” to our Crossroads family as they approach. You will be the person who will walk guests who need to be directed to a certain area, KIDS check-in, bathroom, coffee, etc.  

Worship & AV Tech

United Worship is one of our core values here at Crossroads. Join our Worship Team as we magnify the Lord together.
Requirements: Audition for musicians. Interviews for tech positions.

Kid's Ministry

We are all about the Next Generation here at Crossroads. The adults and youth who serve in Crossroads Kids get to experience the love of Jesus through the eyes of a child while making a real difference for the Kingdom through the discipleship of the next generation. This is one of the most rewarding places to serve, and we would love for you to join us! We have all kinds of programs throughout the week that need additional team members to more effectively care for and disciple the kids who come to Crossroads Kids.

Right now, we need:

Team members for Sunday AM, Infants-5th Grade
Team members for Tuesday AM, Infants through 2nd grade
Team members for Thursday AM, Infants through 2nd grade
Team members for Wednesday PM, Infants through 5th Grade

Requirements: Twice a month and an interview for adults and youth; background check and sexual abuse awareness training for adults only.

Youth Ministry

Crossroads Youth is all about helping to build the Next-Generation of disciples who will bring Jesus to our world. There are opportunities to serve as a Team Huddle Coach on Wednesday nights at Youth Church or during Sunday morning Bible Discussions and Small Groups.

Right now, we are especially looking for youth group leaders, college group leaders, and help with serving snacks.
 Requirements: Background check, application, and interview.

Meal Ministry

Do you enjoy cooking?  Share your gift by serving your church family.  Join the list of meal makers that help the CBC Deaconesses provide meals to families who are in need of meal assistance due to illness, surgery, new baby etc.  Meal calendars are set up online and you pick a convenient day to prepare and deliver dinner to the family in need.  Are you interested in becoming a vital part of this ministry to the Body of Christ?  
Don't enjoy cooking but would still love to help the meals ministry bless a family with meals?  Feel free to sign up as a volunteer and you can donate door dash or uber eats gift cards instead of cooking a meal.


Our photography team at Crossroads aims to capture and share the essence of what God is doing at our church. Through our lenses, we reveal the beauty, hope, and transformation of Christ unfolding in ordinary moments. Our mission is to illuminate the unseen and invite others to witness God's story that He is building at Crossroads.

We are looking for photographers at any skill level!
Requirements: Ministry Safe training, application, portfolio review, and interview.

Cookie Bakers

We are looking for volunteers who love to bake and can provide homemade baked goods for memorials held at CBC. If you are interested in learning more about this service opportunity, please use link below to submit your name and email. A member of the memorials committee will email you with the details.  Thank you for coming alongside us to serve the families of CBC.

Local Partners

Looking for somewhere to serve outside of the Crossroads building? We are called build disciples not just here at CBC, but out there in the community and everywhere in our world — and there are many ways you can do just that. Check out our local partners to see how you can get involved in your community.