Bible Studies
6:30-8 am | Room 130
Taught by Bob Hamilton and Dan Heath
The story of Esther is an incredible lesson in how God providentially prepares circumstances so that the Jewish people will be protected and preserved when the attack comes against them. The purpose of the book is to highlight the providence of God – that is His sovereign ability to provide for His people. Not only that He is able but perhaps of greater importance is He is faithful in His commitment to His people by upholding his unconditional covenant with Abraham. Learn more about this story on Tuesday mornings at our men’s Bible study.
Bible Studies
6:30-8 am | Room 130
Taught by Bob Hamilton and Dan Heath
The story of Esther is an incredible lesson in how God providentially prepares circumstances so that the Jewish people will be protected and preserved when the attack comes against them. The purpose of the book is to highlight the providence of God – that is His sovereign ability to provide for His people. Not only that He is able but perhaps of greater importance is He is faithful in His commitment to His people by upholding his unconditional covenant with Abraham. Learn more about this story on Tuesday mornings at our men’s Bible study.
The Book of Romans
6:30-8 pm | Room 130
Martin Luther, the Reformer, once wrote that Romans “is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul.” Romans represents the most comprehensive presentation of the gospel in the Bible. It is among the most important books for every Christian to understand and live out. Join us for a verse-by-verse study of this book with the goal of being built up as disciples of Jesus and being equipped and challenged to better build disciples of Jesus.
7:30-9 am | Room 130
Taught by Michael Yoo & Tom Gerety
The Psalms have been called the Bible in a book. They not only touch upon the major themes of Scripture, but they also expose the greatest depths of the human soul in relation to God.
The purpose of this study group is to support men who seek a commitment to pursue and examine the written Word of God, and to increase their understanding and knowledge of God’s Word, so that they develop a greater love and commitment to our Lord, Jesus Christ and God the Father through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The purpose of this study group is to support men who seek a commitment to pursue and examine the written Word of God, and to increase their understanding and knowledge of God’s Word, so that they develop a greater love and commitment to our Lord, Jesus Christ and God the Father through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The Book of Romans
6:30-8 pm | Room 130
Martin Luther, the Reformer, once wrote that Romans “is worthy not only that every Christian should know it word for word, by heart, but occupy himself with it every day, as the daily bread of the soul.” Romans represents the most comprehensive presentation of the gospel in the Bible. It is among the most important books for every Christian to understand and live out. Join us for a verse-by-verse study of this book with the goal of being built up as disciples of Jesus and being equipped and challenged to better build disciples of Jesus.
7:30-9 am | Room 130
Taught by Michael Yoo & Tom Gerety
The Psalms have been called the Bible in a book. They not only touch upon the major themes of Scripture, but they also expose the greatest depths of the human soul in relation to God.
The purpose of this study group is to support men who seek a commitment to pursue and examine the written Word of God, and to increase their understanding and knowledge of God’s Word, so that they develop a greater love and commitment to our Lord, Jesus Christ and God the Father through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
The purpose of this study group is to support men who seek a commitment to pursue and examine the written Word of God, and to increase their understanding and knowledge of God’s Word, so that they develop a greater love and commitment to our Lord, Jesus Christ and God the Father through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Men's Breakfast Recording?
Did you miss our latest Men's Breakfast? Check out the recorded session below. Keep an eye out for the next Men's Breakfast date.

Men's Breakfast Recording?
Did you miss our latest Men's Breakfast? Check out the recorded session below. Keep an eye out for the next Men's Breakfast date.

Life on Life Discipleship Groups are focused on living life together with 4-5 other men as Jesus did with His disciples. Group discussions will be on the issues of life you are facing—and ultimately what are the principles of God’s Word that speak to the issue.

Life on Life Discipleship Groups are focused on living life together with 4-5 other men as Jesus did with His disciples. Group discussions will be on the issues of life you are facing—and ultimately what are the principles of God’s Word that speak to the issue.

What is Hearts & Hammers?
Men that are available to help serve the church body and each other in a time of need or hardship
What are we doing?
We are building a list of willing servants and their skillsets. (Similar to the Deaconesses meals ministry). The Hearts & Hammers ministry will match the servant with the need. This will all be coordinated via CBC’s Church Planning Center app.

What is Hearts & Hammers?
Men that are available to help serve the church body and each other in a time of need or hardship
What are we doing?
We are building a list of willing servants and their skillsets. (Similar to the Deaconesses meals ministry). The Hearts & Hammers ministry will match the servant with the need. This will all be coordinated via CBC’s Church Planning Center app.

We all exchange our lives for something, and there is nothing more fulfilling that exchanging your life to help other men become the men God wants them to be.

We all exchange out lives for something, and there is nothing more fulfilling that exchanging your life to help other men become the men God wants them to be.