
Care for One Another

Are you seeking care, for yourself or for another? God has appointed the Church to care for one another, since "when one member suffers, all suffer together" (1 Corinthians 12:25-26). Below, you'll find resources, groups, and contacts for various needs. If you're not sure where to start, reach out using the Request Pastoral Care form.

Prayer Requests 

Our prayer team, staff, deaconesses, deacons, and elders are glad to pray for you.

Pastoral Care

If you or someone you know is facing a crisis and needs a visit or a call, please let us know.

Benevolence Assistance

Start an application to the benevolence fund, donated by our congregation.

Care Groups

 Spring care groups have concluded, but watch for these or similar groups starting in September.


The loss of a spouse, child, or a loved one can bring about overwhelming emotions. We would like to offer you support and encouragement through our 13-week biblically based GriefShare support group class. This will be a time of healing in a warm, caring and confidential environment. 


We understand that the feelings and challenges that come with separation and divorce come in many forms and can be different for everyone. The DivorceCare support group is a place where you can come together with others who are experiencing many of the same emotions to learn, share, listen, and support one another in a safe and confidential environment.

Healing Tide

An abortion recovery program emphasizing an atmosphere of grace where women can find healing, hope, and forgiveness.

Try Softer

A group for women who have had traumatic life experiences and long to walk in greater peace and compassion with their stories.

Betrayal & Beyond

A safe place for women to process the difficult issues of betrayal due to a spouse's sexual stronghold or addiction. For more information, contact Janelle Blevins.

Deaconess Ministry Short Term Help Available

As a regular attender or member of CBC, you can have access to short term support from the CBC Deaconesses.  Are you facing an illness, surgery, arrival of a new baby, or loss of a family member? Can the Deaconesses help you with a few meals, errands, minor house maintenance, or light cleaning? Can we encourage you with a prayer, a visit, a phone call?  

For Those In Need of Counseling

For those seeking licensed therapy, we partner with a local Christian counseling group.