Our Mission & Values

Our Mission

Building Disciples Who Bring Jesus to Our World. 

We embrace a singular mission and vision that describes our purpose as well as what we aspire to achieve. This statement reflects an unchanging commitment to discipleship. Each of the eight words has significant meaning.

Building: Jesus declared: “I will build My church; and the gates of Hades [death] will not overpower it.” Empowered by this promise, we prioritize building believers for dynamic kingdom impact. “Building” refers to both a present practice and a persistent process.

Matthew 16:15–18; Acts 20:32; Romans 14:19; 1 Corinthians 3:12; 14:26; Ephesians 4:11–16; Colossians 2:6–7;1 Thessalonians 5:11; Titus 2:11–12; Hebrews 10:24–25

Disciples: A disciple is simply a learner or follower. At CBC, we build disciples who follow Jesus Christ. Our objective is to grow disciples who: (1) worship God, (2) commit to God’s family, (3) serve others, (4) steward God’s resources, and (5) witness to the world. Since it takes a disciple to make a disciple, we continually help one another take steps of faith and obedience.

Matthew 10:24–25; 11:28–30; 16:24–27; Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 1:28–29; 2 Timothy 2:2; James 2:14–26

Who Bring: We are the ones who bring Jesus to our world. Scripture declares: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” We “bring” Jesus’ offer of eternal and abundant life with us wherever we go.

Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:14–15; 2 Corinthians 5:14–15; Ephesians 2:8–10; 1 Timothy 2:4; 2 Peter 3:9

Jesus: Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. His person and work make it possible for us to have a relationship with God.

Isaiah 9:6–7; 53:1–12; Luke 19:10; John 3:16–18; 14:6; 10:10; Acts 4:12; Romans 3:21–26; 4:25; 5:8; Philippians 2:5–111 Peter 1:18–19

To: We don’t expect people to come to us. Rather, we take the initiative and go to them bringing Jesus’ good news and His care and compassion.

Matthew 9:35–39; 28:18–20; Mark 16:15–18; Luke 24:45–49; John 20:21–23; Acts 1:8

Our World: Jesus commanded us to “make disciples of all nations.” Nations refer to every ethnic group. We alone cannot bring Jesus to the entire world; that is the responsibility of the global church. As a local church, we are called to serve our neighborhoods and communities while we empower our global ministry partners to do the same throughout the world.

Genesis 12:1–3; Matthew 5:13–16; 28:18–20; Acts 2:41–47; 2 Corinthians 2:14–16; 5:18–21; Galatians 6:14; 1 John 4:14

Our Core Values

We value the authoritative and God-breathed Word. We devote ourselves to biblical teaching that penetrates our hearts, renews our minds, drives our actions, and transforms our lives. We present the Word with grace and love and seek to apply its timeless and universal truths in our ever-changing culture and communities.

Ezra 7:10; Nehemiah 8:8; Psalm 119; John 8:31–32; 1 Timothy 4:12–16; 2 Timothy 2:15; 3:16–17; 4:1–2; Hebrews 4:12–13; James 1:21–22

We value a commitment to honor and praise God in our individual lives. Personal worship, then, overflows into church communities and worship gatherings. These environments should include people of all ages and cultures. Ultimately, worship is directed to God; therefore, we seek His pleasure, not our preferences.

1 Chronicles 16:8–36; Psalms 33:1–3; 40:1–3; 96:1–13; 100:1–5; John 4:23–24; Romans 12:1–2; 15:5–6, 11; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 5:18–21; Colossians 3:15–17, 23; Hebrews 12:28–29; 13:15

We value an ever-increasing practice of prayer, both individually and corporately. Only prayer can bring about lasting change. Therefore, we seek to be a church characterized as a “house of prayer for all the nations.”

Genesis 4:26; Isaiah 56:7; Matthew 6:5–8; Mark 11:17; Luke 18:1–8; John 15:1–11; Acts 1:14, 24; 2:42; 6:4; 12:1–19; Ephesians 6:18–19; Philippians 4:6–7; Colossians 4:2–3; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; 1 Timothy 2:1–8; James 5:14–161 John 5:14–15

We value relationally safe and biblically sound community where there is mutual care, service, accountability, and spiritual growth. Our union with Christ is what brings unity, regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, class, or background. Jesus defined family as “whoever does the will of God” so we celebrate spiritual brothers and sisters in our community.

Psalm 133; Proverbs 27:17; Mark 3:31–35; John 13:34–35; 17:6–26; Acts 2:42–47; Romans 6:1–14; 2 Corinthians 1:3–4; Galatians 6:1–2, 10; Philippians 2:1–4; Hebrews 10:23–25; 1 John 4:7–11Genesis 12:1–3; Daniel 7:14; Galatians 3:16–18; Ephesians 2:11–22; Colossians 3:11; James 2:1–13; Revelation 5:9–10; 7:9–10

We value compassionate outreach that expresses the life, love, and message of Jesus. We pursue this value through our commitment to local outreach to our neighbors and community, global outreach in partnership with our ministry partners, and through local and global church planting.

Genesis 12:1–3; Proverbs 31:8–9; Isaiah 1:17; Micah 6:8; Matthew 5:13–16; 28:18–20; Luke 4:18–19; Acts 1:8Romans 10:14–15; 15:20–21; 1 Corinthians 9:15–23; 1 Timothy 6:17–19; James 1:27; Revelation 5:9–10; 7:9

We value investing time, energy, and resources into training the next generations. They are the present and future church. We accomplish this value by (1) training parents and grandparents to be the primary disciplers of their children; (2) recruiting men and women to disciple the next generations succeeding them; and (3) involving children, teens, and young adults in worship gatherings and ministry service.

Deuteronomy 6:1–7; Judges 2:8–11; Psalm 71:17–19; 78:1–7; 145:4, 13; Matthew 18:1–5; 2 Timothy 2:1